Friday, August 7, 2009

A Unique, Shabby-Chic Studio

I think the title best describes my style and my new studio. The studio is almost completely finished. It is useable; however, there is still some work to be done. The ceiling needs to be hung, overhead lighting needs to be added, and the bathroom needs to be finished.

So now that leads me to ask this question: Why would someone want to come to a little "shabby-chic" studio in the country instead of running to Walmart, Sears, The Picture People, etc?

I have been brainstorming, researching, using my own personal experience to come up with some pros and cons.

Immediate Gratification -- Most studios will allow (force) you to pick your prints at the end of your session. You are still on that high, you can't wait to get your prints, because let's face it, that is why you went there in the first place, right??

Now, while this can be a pro for going to the mall, it can also be a con as well. Picture this in your mind, if you will ... You are trying to proof your session with your dear children -- as they are terrorizing the store because they have just been forced to sit, stand, smile and do something cute all because we want good pictures! Can we say performance anxiety? So you end up ordering whatever just to get out of there. Now, $300.00 later you have sheets and sheets of prints that -- hopefully -- you will know exactly where you want to hang and have enough family members to hand out all of the prints to. While I can not offer prints in an hour, I can have them within 1 to 2 business days of ordering.

No Session Fees! -- Ever seen this advertised?? I sure have. So where do you think they are making their money? Print Sales of course! This then leads me to ask the next question, are their photographers true "photographers" or are they "sales people" or maybe a little bit of both?

My session fee is $75.00. This includes a $25.00 print credit -- you choose which prints and sizes you want. Which leads me to my next point ...

Print Packages -- Most places have print packages with specific sizes or a certain number of sheets where you get to pick the sizes ... and then you get to cut them out.

I do not believe in print packages. You know what you want or need and I want to save you money! I do not ever want to make someone buy a whole package only to have most of them hidden away in a drawer somewhere. Guess what -- even I have a drawer with prints in them from a package I had to buy.

Length of Sessions – My experience has been short and sweet. They got the “one pose” for your package and that’s it. My session lengths are usually 1 to 2 hours. I do not want parents to feel rushed or pressured to get their kids to “behave”. And, if we are on a creative roll, I do not want to be held to a “time limit”.

Now, to be completely fair, I can see why people would choose to head to the mall…a coupon, you NEED prints right now, and the “that’s just they way we have always done it”. They are all perfectly legitimate reasons.

The one thing I feel that I can offer that no other “mall studio” can offer is personal service. I want to be the photographer that is able to photograph all of the milestones in your life…your wedding, your little ones, your little one’s sr. pictures, and your little one’s wedding… My goal is to establish a life long relationship with my clients to where they are not just clients but friends.

If this sounds like something you are looking for in a photographer, I would love to sit down and show you what I can offer.